Friday 16 December 2016


IT takes a fighting spirit to achieve anything on this earth and also to achieve it quickly and on time. To achieve nothing, all you need is laziness and inactivity. 

1 Timothy 6:12
Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life ...

Eternal life which is gotten in Christ Jesus requires a fight to keep. It is necessary to hold on to it or else the enemy may make you lose it. Laying hold on anything requires a struggle and a fight. To lay hold means “to cease”, “to catch” or “to take”. We are not in a fight to defeat the devil; that was Jesus' part to play and He played it well. We are in a fight to keep, to appropriate and to maximize our victory in Christ. Now we’ve got to work out that which we have already received in Christ Jesus. The fight is in working it out. There are many factors that can give the opponent an edge over you and those are the factors you need to beat.

Philippians 2:12
Wherefore, my beloved, as ye have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling.

The Greek word "katergazomai" is the word translated, "to work out". It also means to "perform." The price for your freedom has been paid; now you've got to work it out. You've got to perform it. There's a part you need to play to ensure its manifestation. The part allotted to you is the faith part and that’s where the fight comes in, because many seemingly insignificant factors will arise but are quite powerful in their ability to ruin your life at the end of the day.

The opposition you will encounter in life is both spiritual and physical. You've got to brace up yourself for this fight of your life and fight with an unbreakable resolve to fulfill your purpose and take your place in destiny.

The Greek rendering of Philipians 2:12 defines “fight”, “agōnizomai”, as meaning: to struggle, to compete for a prize, to contend with an adversary or to endeavor to accomplish something, to labour fervently and to strive.

Apostle Paul told Timothy to fight for his faith, to contend for the faith that was once delivered over to him. You must fight to take down what kept your parents down.
You must fight to keep that which you have received of God for a great life on earth. The battle may not be your choice but the outcome is a choice you must make. What's fighting you is not fighting you for your past; it’s fighting you for your great future.

When Jesus came to the consciousness of His purpose, all hell broke loose. At age 12 in Luke 2:49, he said "Know you not that I must be about my father’s business?"
Fear came on hell's residence after this statement. They couldn't stand the fact that He knew that He came for business and that He was determined to face that strictly.
You need to awake to the business of your destiny. You are here on an assignment; you are here for a transaction. What have you got to sell? Bring it on! There's business to do. Do not say I have no capital for your capital is within you. There's something you are carrying inside you which the world needs to pay for. You carry the world’s solution to a problem and the world is willing to pay anything if you will let it out. That's where the fight is! It’s not that you are empty, but that you are too at ease to push forth your baby. 

It is said that a woman in labour is able to endure pain at an abnormally high level which the average man would not be able to survive. The question is: what makes the woman survive this level of pain? Concerning Jesus Christ, scripture says "for the joy that was set before Him, he endured the cross and despised the shame..." (Hebrews 12:2). Likewise, the expectant mother draws strength and is able to endure the pain of labour and child birth because of her hope of a beautiful child at delivery. Like Jesus, her baby is the joy that is set before her and her reason to stay alive through the process of labour.

Let your dream keep you alive. Draw energy from the future of your dream today, and it will amaze you how you'll pull through the present with its pain, shame and troubles.

2 Timothy 4:7-8
I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith: 
Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, ...

Anytime you wake up to your purpose, everything starts fighting to stop you.
Apostle Paul says that we are in a wrestling match and we are more than conquerors in Christ.

There's a crown to wear. The crown is after the fight, not before the fight. If you must wear the crown, you must fight the fight. To get the crown, your faith must be kept. And to keep the faith, there is a good fight to fight and a course to finish!

 Life may want to cheat you but you've got to stand strong and fight back. Your spiritual hands has been trained to war.

Psalmist David said in;
Psalm 144:1 
Blessed be the Lord my strength,
which teacheth my hands to war,
and my fingers to fight…

You've been wired for the fights of your destiny. You will have to undo what your ancestors did to your parents and ancestral lineage. Nothing significant in life is effected without a strong fight. It takes a high fight to have a high flight.

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